Sunday, 29 November 2015

Full Town Council Meeting Thursday

We urge you to attend the next full Town Council Meeting on Thursday 3 December at 7.30pm, St John's Ambulance, Westbury Centre, Fairfield Road, Framlingham.

If you would like to speak, the Chair of the Town Council will give you an opportunity to do so at some point in the meeting. This will be your only opportunity. The Chair will go around the room and ask each person if they have anything they would like to say. This is your chance!

Seating is limited so we advise arriving early. 

If you would like to read some of the questions asked of the Town Council about the planning applications and appeals at last month's Town Council meeting, please click on the links below.

We sincerely hope that the Town Council will agree to right wrongs and work with the residents of Framlingham and ensure a favourable outcome at the Appeals hearing in January 2016.

The Agenda will be available to download from the Town Council website ( on Thursday 26 November.

See you there!
Continue to help us make a difference.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Meeting 23 November

At the well attended Town Council meeting last Thursday 5 November, the Chair, Carolyn Youngs was asked by a number of residents why she had spoken in favour of MP2 at the SCDC's Planning Committee meeting on 29th October when in fact the Town Council had voted 6:2 against it. Ms Youngs was not answering any questions.

However, what is clear from both the Planning Meeting and last Thursday's Town Council's meeting is that there is a breach of trust.

We should have absolute trust in our elected representatives to fairly represent the views and wishes of the residents of Framlingham. We  expect members of the Town Council 
to work conscientiously and diligently on behalf of the residents of Framlingham.

What we do not expect is for them to state their own views or even a hypothetical view, should the Neighbourhood Plan be adopted. And there is even a question mark over the way data was collected and recorded for the NP!

Well, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered...and we thought it would be an excellent idea to allow the residents of Framlingham an open forum to voice their concerns, table any questions, make suggestions...whatever is pertinent and relevant to the situation the town now finds itself in..

If you would like to come and discuss these and other issues, join us on Monday 23 November, Unitarian Meeting House at 7pm. 

Please RSVP to as spaces are limited to a total of 70 people. If it looks like interest is greater than we will change the venue and let you know accordingly.

If you would like to read some of the question asked of the Town Council last Thursday, please click on the links below.

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Tuesday, 3 November 2015

To keep the lines of communication well and truly open we have launched the Framlingham Residents' Association website....

We hope that, as the Residents' Association continues to grow and mature, we will cover more topics of interest to the community.

However, just at the moment we are being extremely single minded...

Framlingham Residents' Association will discussing next steps. If you want to be part of the discussion, please email us at:

Continue to help us make a difference.