Last Thursday evening the Town Council decided to defer their decision on whether to support or object to the Taylor Wimpey application to build 163 houses on the greenfield site in Fairfield Road.
We understand that they had previously been supportive of the plan so this is a great achievement by the residents in raising their collective voice to the Council and making a difference. As the Residents' Association we thank you for your support.
This is a small step in the right direction by the Council but the reality is that they have deferred their decision until the completion of the Neighbourhood Plan and that will not be complete until next May at the earliest. The Council is therefore in a state of non-decision until such time as the Neighbourhood Plan is accepted and is pushing responsibility for the decision up to Suffolk Coastal District Council Northern Area Planning Committee (NAPC).
NAPC do not have the luxury of deferring a decision and must decide either for or against the development. The SCDC Planning Website is no longer taking comments so it is important that we now campaign direct to the district councillors who make up the NAPC. We are not sure if the Taylor Wimpey application will be discussed at the SCDC meeting in December or January so we are asking residents to act now.
We have prepared a template letter objecting to the Taylor Wimpey development together with a list of all the NAPC members. Both these documents are available to any resident to down load from this link or our blog/website or request a copy by emailing us at We urge you all to use the template to create your own letter objecting to the development and send it to as many NAPC members as you are able. The NAPC meeting might be on 12th December so please do not delay.
FRAm Membership
We have started to distribute membership forms and these are available via this link or the blog/website or on request from our email The more members we have the louder our voice will be and we ask you to please join and support us. We are asking for a minimum £5.00 membership fee to cover the costs of running the campaign. We have managed so far on the generosity of the founding members of FRAm and the Unitarian Church Trustees and but we need to scale up our campaign and this needs funds for items like paper, ink, postage, venue hire, poster printing, liability insurance, the list goes on.
We also need help and support to run and manage the Association across the whole spectrum of skills; from minute taking to leaflet distribution, planning expertise to creative writing, event management and volunteering. Please do not be shy, we need your talent. If you would like to help us save this lovely town then please get in contact via email, post or any other means. We need you.
Once again I thank you all for your support.
Christopher Sharpe
Framlingham Residents' Association
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