Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Crikey, it's Christmas

Crikey, it's Christmas

Join Fram Residents' Association and the festivities

Our first Christmas and we wanted to say a big thank you to all of you who have supported this initiative, written to your district councillors, joined Framlingham Residents' Association (FRAm) and sent donations.


And if you haven't joined FRAm yet, don't worry, we are happy to accept members whenever. However, it is important that you formally join the Association. We need to continue to build our strength through numbers.

Fairfield Road Planning Application

To business first. It seems that the Suffolk Coastal's North Area Development Management Sub- Committee will not discuss the Fairfield Road planning application until January at the earliest. We should know by 16th December whether it will be on the agenda for the January meeting and will keep you posted. It is our intention to have our three minute say as Fram Residents' Association whenever this application is considered. It will therefore lend more weight to our case if we can say we represent 'x' amount of Framlingham residents. So this is a heartfelt PLEA for you to join us in this fight - formally. Please send in your membership forms as soon as you can. It would be fantastic to say we represent over half the community's views! You can find membership forms hanging on the Co-op's notice board, or on our Facebook page. You can always email us at framresidents@gmail.com and we will send you a membership form and the constitution. We also have the membership forms under our Christmas tree at St Michael's Church Tree Festival, which opened today.

Christmas Tree Festival and Fabulous Framlingham Christmas Festival

So we've decked our tree in houses, hearts and doves, been practising our carol singing for Fabulous Fram on 12th December. Now, this isn't any ordinary, run of the mill carol singing. And in fact, it is only one carol which has been amusingly re-written by one of our members for a bit of festive fun. We will be singing somewhere in the town and would love you to join us singing "The twelve days of Planning!".

Looking forward to meeting you and we wish you all a Happy and Peaceful Christmas.

Framlingham Residents' Association

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