Wednesday, 28 January 2015

EADT Latest On Development In Fram

Here's the latest on the development in Framlingham from the East Anglian Daily Times click link.

It echoes what we said here on our 16th December post reproduced below.

Planning By Numbers

There are 117 towns and civil parishes in Suffolk Coastal district. and Framlingham is one of those. 

Nobody will deny that the number of houses in the district must increase in forthcoming years to cope with population growth and the council has worked hard to prepare forecasts on just how many new homes will be needed to cope with demand. 

This report , which is the result of that work can be viewed on the council's website by clicking this link.

It is a thorough, comprehensive and lengthy document and covers fifteen years from 2013. Within it is the following table:- 

This table indicates that the Suffolk Coastal region will need 7,560 new homes in total or 500 every year between 2014 and 2028 to meet forecast demand.

The last census reported a population of 124,600 in Suffolk Coastal. Framlingham's population was in the region of 3,100. This means that Framlingham represents around 2.5% of the region. If the entire district grew at an equal rate to accommodate the new homes needed Framlingham would need 189 new properties - between now and 2028. 

This should put into perspective the applications that are currently in the pipeline to build 400 new homes in Framlingham in the immediate future. This number of new houses is completely out of line with the district's requirements and, even if Framlingham had double its fair share of new homes it would be fourteen years before we needed the quantity under consideration.

Developers are possibly  targeting Framlingham due to its status as one of the country's best places to live in the Country Life and The Sunday Times' surveys - that will look good on sales literature. But building on this scale would soon destroy any possibility of Fram continuing to score highly in surveys of this type.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

It's Not Over Until They Say NO!

Monday 19 January was cold, very cold. BBC Radio Suffolk arrived on Market Hill before the sun did. And the day gently unfolded....with a core of about 40 NO campaigners on Fairfield Road, civilly obedient, showing their NO support when the North Area Development Committee arrived to assess the planning proposals.

There were many NO posters displayed throughout the town. Please keep them up. Email us if you haven't got one:

There was also a lot of traffic in evidence. So thank you to those who drove around and/or parked on Fairfield Road and elsewhere in the town.

You managed to give the authorities a grim glimpse of what Fram would be like with even just a small increase in traffic on our roads. So well done everyone.

The committee members walked the field on Fairfield Road for about an hour and then moved onto Mount Pleasant where the core of the NO campaigners were there to meet them.

A member of the Planning Department commented that if no protestors had turned out it would have been read as the community approving the plans. We think we left them in no doubt about our feelings!

The planning applications for Fairfield Road and Mount Pleasant will be decided at an extraordinary meeting probably convened on Monday 16 February. The protocol at Suffolk Coastal's planning meetings state that:

"One objector only is allowed to speak - for up to 3 minutes. (If several people wish to object you should agree, before the meeting, which person will speak for everyone). If this does not happen (or you cannot agree) then we will not be able to let you speak."
A FRAm representative will be speaking. It would strengthen our voice if you formally joined the association. Please email us for a membership form using the following link:

If you feel that particular issues have not been raised to date, please let us know using this link:

Finally, we will let you know details of the meeting when they are confirmed so you can attend in person.

One last thing, please WRITE TO the Councillors on the committee if you have not already done so. Perhaps you could write again reminding them that you want them to say NO to the plans for Fram's green field sites. Email us for their names, address and the key objections:

If you missed The East Anglian Daily Times coverage of Monday's day of civil obedience, use this link:

If you would like to listen again to Framlingham residents being interviewed by BBC Radio Suffolk for the Etholle George morning show, please use this link:

It's not over until they say NO.

Thank you again for your support.


Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Thank You

This was the scene in Fairfield Road yesterday morning as members and supporters of Framlingham Residents' Association turned out in force to welcome some of Suffolk Coastal's planning committee to the town. They were in Fram to inspect the greenfield sites in Fairfield Rd and Mount Pleasant before applications are put before the full committee. 

Our demonstration was peaceful and orderly and generally well received by the motorists inconvenienced by the congestion caused by the increased number of cars in the road. 

We got the media attention that we had hoped for and were joined by both BBC Radio Suffolk and journalists from the local press.

Dog walkers will be among many affected if the plans go ahead.

Community officers were on hand to ease the traffic congestion but this is a daily situation in Fairfield Road and residents usually have to cope without a helpful bobby.

A huge "THANK YOU" to all those who supported our efforts to bring home to the planners the devastating effect that 400 new homes would bring to the town by posting NO posters, parking legally and making your protest visible to those assessing the proposals. With your continued support we will hopefully make the planners see sense.

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Show how you feel!

TWO DAYS TO GO before the members of the planning committee responsible for Framlingham make their site visit to both the Fairfield Road and the Mount Pleasant green field sites.

We are delighted to report that there has been the most incredible uptake to the NO campaign. We are sure that this co-ordinated response will leave the committee members in no doubt what Fram thinks about these green field site planning applications.

REMEMBER that our objective is
 to give the committee a glimpse of the future, a future with an additional 450 homes, 1,000 more residents and hundreds more cars. AND the developers say there will be no impact on the infrastructure of the town!

So in order to illustrate what this glimpse of the future could look like, we are inviting Framlingham town's folk to a morning of civil obedience! This is what we plan to do:

Monday 19 January 2015 from 7.25am until about 11.30am:
• Please drive to Fram and park LEGALLY in Fairfield Road, Fore Street, Mount Pleasant, Station Road, Pembroke Road and Market Hill.

 Join us in Market Hill where we will be talking to BBC Radio Suffolk at 7.25am and 8.40am for our broadcast.

 Please explore the town on foot, frequent our local shops and the zebra crossing on Albert Place!

 Or bring the dog and walk the footpath (parallel to Fairfield Road) from Fram to Brick Lane.

 Then onto Fairfield Road to await the arrival of the North Area Development Committee at 9.30am. We propose to stand 
PEACEFULLY and display our objection to these plans (please note we are not to approach the committee and must allow them to conduct their site visits unimpeded).

 A journalist and photographer from the EADT will be there to record our glimpse into Fram's future.

Then we suggest that members make their way via the Albert Place zebra crossing to Mount Pleasant site where the committee members are expected to inspect the site around 10.30am.

• If you can't find a place to park then please keep DRIVING round until you can.

 It is essential that we do not stop people going about their daily business.

This is our BIG CHANCE to leave the planning committee in no doubt how much damage these ill conceived developments will cause. 
Let’s do everything we can.

See you on Monday!

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Invitation To Civil Obedience

On the 19 January 2015 the members of the planning committee responsible for Framlingham are making a site visit to both the Fairfield Road and the Mount Pleasant green field sites.

e want to give them a glimpse of the future.

A future where Framlingham could have an additional 450 homes, 1,000 more residents and hundreds more cars. AND the developers say there will be no impact on the infrastructure of the town!

So in order to illustrate what this glimpse of the future could look like, we are inviting Framlingham town's folk to a morning of civil obedience! This is what we plan to do:

From 9.15am until about 11.30am on Monday 19 January 2015:
• Please drive to Fram and park LEGALLY in Fairfield Road, Fore Street, Mount Pleasant, Station Road, Pembroke Road and Market Hill.
 Then please explore the town on foot, the zebra crossing on Albert Place is certainly worth a visit.
 Or come to either the Fairfield Road or Mount Pleasant site and join us as we stand and PEACEFULLY display our objection to these plans (please note we are not to approach the Committee and must allow them to conduct their site visits unimpeded).
• If you can't find a place to park then please keep DRIVING round until you can.
 It is essential that we do not stop people going about their daily business or block the highways.


 Please display a NO poster in your window or on your fence or railings.

 Please DO NOT fly-post.
 We are delivering posters to homes on the following main routes:
  • Fairfield Road
  • Mount Pleasant
  • Station Road
  • College Road
  • Well Close Square
  • Albert Place
  • Fore Street (lower portion)
• You can collect posters from us this week as we are at the Co-op every evening from 6.00 - 7.30pm.
• Or we can email you a pdf file for you to print out yourself. Please email us at

• If you would like to help with distribution - please email us at
Join us!
We urge you to join us on Monday 19 January, encourage your family and friends to drive into Fram, park if possible or keep driving around until you can. Let’s work together to make an impact.
This is a ONE OFF CHANCE to leave the planning committee in no doubt how much damage these ill conceived developments will cause. 
Let’s do everything we can.

See you next Monday!

Monday, 12 January 2015


On the 19 January 2015, members of the planning committee responsible for Framlingham are visiting the town to assess the likely impact of the Fairfield Road and Mount Pleasant developments. They are expected to arrive at 9.30am. This is a golden opportunity for us to make our feelings felt.
This is what we think we can do.

From Monday 12 January
First we have printed a poster "say NO to greenfield developments" which we hope many residents will display (in multiples and facing the road) in their windows, on fences, walls, railings and in cars. We will distribute these week commencing 12 January to the households on the main routes into Fram and to households in Fairfield Road and Mount Pleasant. If you live elsewhere in Framlingham and want to show your support, please either download a poster from this link, or let us know if you need a weatherproof version and we can organise getting one to you. We want to flood the town with NO posters...without fly-posting!
If you would like to help with distribution - please email us at

Members of Framlingham Residents' Association will also be in the Co-op foyer next week from 6pm-7.30pm (Monday-Friday) to hand out posters and enlist support and most importantly to gain new members to the Framlingham Residents' Association.

The Day of the Site Visit - 19 January 2015
On the day of the site visit we think we can positively influence the committee by ‘filling up’
Framlingham with cars and people.
Our objective is to fill every legal car parking space in the town for the duration of the visit and make the town as busy as possible.
We also want as many vehicles (cars, vans, lorries, bikes, mobility scooters) as possible driving around the town, circling the sites for the duration of the visit too.
Pedestrians too can be involved just by crossing and re-crossing the roads at key junctions and zebra crossings to slow the traffic flow generally.
We are planning to park as many cars, vans and other vehicles as possible especially down Fairfield Road to show how ridiculous it is to expect the roads to function with the increased traffic these new developments would bring.
The press will be informed!!!
Join us!
We urge you to join us on Monday 19 January, encourage your family and friends to drive into Fram, park, if you can. Let’s work together to make an impact.
This is a one off chance to leave the planning committee in no doubt how much damage these ill conceived developments will cause. 
Let’s do everything we can.