Monday, 12 January 2015


On the 19 January 2015, members of the planning committee responsible for Framlingham are visiting the town to assess the likely impact of the Fairfield Road and Mount Pleasant developments. They are expected to arrive at 9.30am. This is a golden opportunity for us to make our feelings felt.
This is what we think we can do.

From Monday 12 January
First we have printed a poster "say NO to greenfield developments" which we hope many residents will display (in multiples and facing the road) in their windows, on fences, walls, railings and in cars. We will distribute these week commencing 12 January to the households on the main routes into Fram and to households in Fairfield Road and Mount Pleasant. If you live elsewhere in Framlingham and want to show your support, please either download a poster from this link, or let us know if you need a weatherproof version and we can organise getting one to you. We want to flood the town with NO posters...without fly-posting!
If you would like to help with distribution - please email us at

Members of Framlingham Residents' Association will also be in the Co-op foyer next week from 6pm-7.30pm (Monday-Friday) to hand out posters and enlist support and most importantly to gain new members to the Framlingham Residents' Association.

The Day of the Site Visit - 19 January 2015
On the day of the site visit we think we can positively influence the committee by ‘filling up’
Framlingham with cars and people.
Our objective is to fill every legal car parking space in the town for the duration of the visit and make the town as busy as possible.
We also want as many vehicles (cars, vans, lorries, bikes, mobility scooters) as possible driving around the town, circling the sites for the duration of the visit too.
Pedestrians too can be involved just by crossing and re-crossing the roads at key junctions and zebra crossings to slow the traffic flow generally.
We are planning to park as many cars, vans and other vehicles as possible especially down Fairfield Road to show how ridiculous it is to expect the roads to function with the increased traffic these new developments would bring.
The press will be informed!!!
Join us!
We urge you to join us on Monday 19 January, encourage your family and friends to drive into Fram, park, if you can. Let’s work together to make an impact.
This is a one off chance to leave the planning committee in no doubt how much damage these ill conceived developments will cause. 
Let’s do everything we can.

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