Thank you!
Firstly, a huge thank you to all of you who have donated towards the Rule 6 costs.
We are absolutely delighted with the response and can report back that as of last night we have raised the amount required to get us going, instruct the lawyers and expert witnesses. Now onto the rest, we still need money to pay them!
So if you have not already donated, please do.
by cheque made payable to : Framlingham Residents' Association
c/o 35 The Knoll, Framlinhgham, Suffolk IP13 9DH
or by BACs transfer into our Co-operative bank account:
Framlingham Residents' Association
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 65763735
We will be adding another page to our website early next week that will keep people up to date on progress as well as giving information on how and where to donate.
Fund Raising
We are also planning a calendar of fundraising activities, the first is a Quiz Night(with drink to get those grey cells working better and some food to make sure that you can walk home) scheduled for Friday 15 January at St Michael's Rooms, please keep this date free and bring your friends! Details will follow shortly.
If you have any good fund raising ideas, please do get in touch, and we are very happy for you to run your own!
The objective now is to ensure that we raise the remainder of the fees for our legal representation as well as the fees for both expert witnesses. We are still in negotiation with them so do not have firm figures on these as yet. We will keep you posted.
Just to clarify some things that have been raised by members:
Mount Pleasant is a (lost cause/done deal) why don't we just focus on Fairfield Road...and that would be cheaper?
The appeals situation is complicated even for our legal advisers and experts. Both appeals are being held at the same time because there is so much overlap. So, for example, issues such as Suffolk Coastal's five year housing supply are discussed by all parties as it is a common argument to both cases. The difficulty we have is we can't argue that a public transport based travel policy is not sustainable for Fairfield Road and then not present the same case for Mount Pleasant because the lack of argument against MP would be used as a rebuttal to the FR case.
Framlingham Town Council should be a lead Rule 6 participant.
We agree. Because they should represent the views of the residents of Framlingham, and because they can claim back the 20% VAT we will have to pay on the fees.
We have had a meeting with representative councillors last week and they are not going to take the lead role. However they are going to consider making a contribution to the fund and will discuss this at the next meeting on the 7th January.
We have not given up on this completely and are talking to our surrounding Parish Councils to see what they can do.
An aside...
By the way; we can report that neither Taylor Wimpey or Persimmons are very happy with FRAm. Seems we have ruffled a few feathers...wonder why? We applied for Rule 6 well within the deadline and have followed the stipulated procedure (nine days still to go). The Planning Inspector extended the deadline for the documents to be submitted by a further week to allow FRAm to catch up, and this extension applies to ALL parties. We are pleased to report that after a lot of hard work (keeping to the bird analogy -imagine ducks) we were able to submit before the end of play yesterday, the first in a long line of documents, our Statement of Case.
Help us make a difference.

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