WHEREThe Council Chamber at Suffolk Coastal District Offices on Melton Hill, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 1AU.PROTOCOLMembers of the public may make a statement or ask a question - HOWEVER (this is at the discretion of the Planning Inspector (PI) and the request must be lodged at the beginning of the proceedings on Tuesday 19 January. If you want to speak about your town please contact us so we can co-ordinate residents input (the PI won’t allow repetitions). The PI then decides whether these question/statements are to be included and when.Members of the public can come and go as they wish.
Everyone should show respect for all participants and remain silent unless invited to speak by the PI. No Heckling.
APPEALS' TIMETABLEfrom 10am - 4.30/5pm
lunch - approximately 45 minutes (to be determined by the PI when he feels it is an appropriate point in the proceedings for a break).
Currently the latest timetable is as follows. We will try to keep you updated of any changes via email.
Tuesday 19 JanuaryHanslip - Housing Land Supply - both sites
Housing Land Supply (TW) - Fairfield Road
Wednesday 20 JanuaryHousing Land Supply (TW) - Fairfield Road
Thursday 21 JanuaryLandscape (SCDC) - Mount Pleasant
Historic Townscape (SCDC) - Fairfield Road
Planning (SCDC) - Mount Pleasant
Friday 22 JanuaryPlanning (SCDC) - Mount Pleasant
Heritage (FRA) - Fairfield Road
Tuesday 26 JanuaryDesign (TW) - Fairfield Road
Landscape (TW) - Fairfield Road
Wednesday 27 JanuaryHeritage (TW) - Fairfield Road
Planning (TW) - Fairfield Road
Thursday 28 JanuaryLandscape (SCDC) - Mount Pleasant
Planning (SCDC) - Mount Pleasant
Friday 29 JanuaryDesign (P) - Mount Pleasant
Landscape (P) - Mount Pleasant
Tuesday 2 FebruarySocial Infrastructure (TW/P) - both sites
Planning (P) - Mount Pleasant
Wednesday 3 FebruaryHighways (FRA) - both sites
Highways (TW) - Fairfield Road
Highways (P) - Mount Pleasant
Thursday 4 and Friday 5 February Conditions
Site Visit
SHOWING SUPPORTThe more people that can come to the Appeal each day, the better. No-one is expecting people to show up everyday but it would be magnificent if we could maintain a consistently strong presence over the three weeks.
No banners or posters are to be taken into the Council Chamber, however, we have a small button badge which we would like you to wear....just £1 contribution please to the Appeals' fund. Someone from
FRAm will be at the entrance with them.
GETTING THEREThere is NOT going to be an Appeals bus. It would seem that everyone wants the flexibility of their own transport. Several people have offered lifts. So if you want a lift then please get in touch with
FRAm and we'll try to link you up with people who are going.
framresidents@gmail.comThere is a public car park behind Suffolk Coastal Offices.
So please, please join us and help us in this fight for Framlingham.Acronyms
FRA - Framlingham Residents' Association
P - Persimmon
PI - Planning Inspector
SCDC - Suffolk Coastal District Council
TW - Taylor Wimpey
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